Hollerwood Park is 2,500+/- acres of property near Red River Gorge and Natural Bridge State Park. Operated by a board. The board was created in an inter local agreement between these counties and their purpose is to research and manage property for multi-use recreational opportunities within the 2,500 acres leased from PAL Land Co. Hollerwood Park is a multitude of 4WD, UTV, ATV, and Motorcycle trails. The property also has two ponds for fishing and kayaking. Future plans include non-motorized trails such as horseback and mountain biking.
The Multi-County Recreational Board has open to the public meetings each third Wednesday night of the month at 6:30pm. The board meets at the Powell County EOC building on Industrial Park Rd in Stanton, KY. Follow the Facebook page for notices about public meetings.
Hollerwood Park is a premier outdoor recreation destination that caters to all levels of off-roading enthusiasts. We will endeavor to provide facilities and attractions that will appeal to a diverse demographic, and will allow for year-round receptions. The park will be a self-sustaining, environmentally sound economic driver for the region while compliment ion existing businesses. We will also strive to keep the integrity of our community in-tact and will utilize the park to foster outdoor ethics and practices though education.